Roman Tam's theatrical antics in the 70s were, should I say, "affectionated", but his music was hardly controversial, except he did pose nude. His popularity didn't necessarily imply people are more tolerating back then. Besides singers in those days were mostly known for their singing than their images. Don't forget Roman did get his share of backlash for the supposedly suggestive "波斯貓", which today would hardly raise an eyebrow!
I totally remeber "81年金唱片佢著個套羽毛裝唱心裡有個謎" It was such a classic moment for Canton Pop. I was so blown away by his performance though I was still in pre-school back then!
心裡有個謎個編曲我俾9.9分.. 勁gd! 要講經典,81年金唱片佢著個套羽毛裝唱心裡有個謎真係一世難忘,超爆!
ReplyDelete個時見佢d衫真係好.. 驚,而家睇係好靚,歡笑全為你入面個套紫色閃褸撞紅+銀手襪,靚到~~ 羅記真係行快左30年!
差不多三十年前的MV, 以前睇會覺得好怪,而家睇反而覺得超型~
ReplyDelete> 係唔係當時社會風氣真係開放啲呢?蘿記個
ReplyDelete> 種camp法又好似冇乜受到社會反彈喎!
Roman Tam's theatrical antics in the 70s were, should I say, "affectionated", but his music was hardly controversial, except he did pose nude. His popularity didn't necessarily imply people are more tolerating back then. Besides singers in those days were mostly known for their singing than their images. Don't forget Roman did get his share of backlash for the supposedly suggestive "波斯貓", which today would hardly raise an eyebrow!
ReplyDelete根據hanky code﹐黃色手帕插在右邊褲袋代表 piss freak。相信蘿記都只係貪黃色襯頭盔而已。:oP
係YouTube 睇番81年金唱片的版本,唔知點解諗起 Madonna 的 Vogue(MTV Awards 版本)
ReplyDeleteI totally remeber "81年金唱片佢著個套羽毛裝唱心裡有個謎" It was such a classic moment for Canton Pop. I was so blown away by his performance though I was still in pre-school back then!
ReplyDelete我記得當年羅記幫新知週刊拍咗個全裸封面, 全身得條白頸巾, 唔知阿志有無資料.