陳百強 夢裡人 (1987) 美指記事

"夢裡人"碟內照片由Sam Wong攝影, 周肅磐負責美術, 他曾透露一些拍照花絮, 例如拍照地點是半山寶雲道, 丹尼身上的Armani服裝和車都是他自己的, 不用美指替他揀. 內頁有一張關正傑和陳百強的合照, 周肅磐亦寫下了拍攝過程, 美指是透過電話講的. 周肅磐的原文如下 :
we are so fortunate that everything is "genuine". that is his car and his armani coat, we did nothing, unlike someone that the art director or stylist has to choose for the artists. danny is so friendly, easy going, and we took that shot in a quiet lane off Bowen Road, with sunshine coming through the trees and their leaves, casting half light and half shadow on Danny. we use grainy film 400 > 800 to give it more grainy effect for B/W. One funny thing: a week later, Danny called me: i have Kwan ching kit wrote a song for me and i to put it in my album, he is here in studio, can u come and help us do the art direction. I said, "can't boh, why don't you ask sam to use a long lens 200, then you step forward and stand in front (left), and a few steps behind you with Kwan there (right) so there is a depth of field. So, we did the art direction over phone, and it was a good insert in his double cover.

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