齊成 - Mind Made Up (劉美君《Mind Made Up》原曲)
齊成 - You Haven't Got A Leg To Stand On (鄭瑞芬《假裝‧假純情》原曲)
其他被改編為中文的齊成作品還有劉美君林保怡《偷窺》(原曲《Eye To Eye》)、劉美君《廣播道神話》等。
嘩正呀! 終於可以聽下傳聞已久o既齊成! Thank you!
It's amazing Tsaishing is still being mention 20 years later! I think Joseph and Richard will be really happy to find out. Their first album is named "Fried Rice" released in 1986, the other one is as pictured. By the way, where did you find that photo of the CD? So, Joseph got tired of HK music scene and returned to the states and now working on film and TV productions. Richard stepped away too, and working in I.T. related field. Interesting world huh~ Anyway, great blog Terence! Now I have Sandy & Me + i still remember to read! Cheerz~
Do you know where I can download this song cause I like much:-
鄭瑞芬 - 假裝‧假純情
Hi John,
Thanks for your update on Tsai and Shing's personal life. I got the pic from ebay. The CD is being bidded there.
Hi nakaaron,
You can download this song here:
Hi Freya,
To download from zshare,
1. press download this file
2. on the new page, there is a green arrow (DOWNLOAD NOW) on the left bottom. Just press and will start automatically.
Dear Terence,
Can't download! Anyway, thanks for sharing.
Hi Nakaaron,
Please give me your email address. I can send you the MP3...Really don't know how zshare works.
Dear Terence,
I have sent my e-mail address to yr netvigator e-mail. You are very nice. Tks.
Hi Terence,
Found your blog through Google search.
I'm Yung Ka Tsai of TsaiShing.
Thank you so much for the compliments. It's amazing somebody actually remember "TsaiShing" in such detail.
I just posted my mini bio at myspace.com/yungkatsai and TsaiShing's at myspace.com/tsaishing.
Check them out if you got nothing better to do.
Incidentally I'm making a combined 20th (21st now) anniversary "Fried Rice" cum "TsaiShing" CD for friends, if you're interested let me know, I'll give you one for free.
Let me know at one of the two sites above.
Richard YUNG Ka Tsai
Terence... long time no show.
FYI I have posted ALL of TsaiShing's songs up at: http://www.ilike.com/artist/TsaiShing.
Just dug out some old videos of us playing LIVE at Rick's Cafe in TST in Aug.1988 and am in the process of uploading them to http://www.youtube.com/tsaishing
Check them out when you have time.
Best Regards,
Richard (Yung)
Hello, Richard. Is it possible to get one or buy one CD from you? I still remember I was junior high school student when I bought the fried rice cassette. Now I dont even have a cassette played and the cassette is molded. Hope to hear from you soon.
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