林子祥 - Parathon Medley 18'34" (2001)
這首是阿Lam的歷年hit歌mega remix,那年興Para Para,就編到變成Euro Beat,可以當本地《Butterfly》咁跳,呢18分34秒總結林子祥有幾多首足以唱到扯蝦的玩嘢歌。
《Parathon Medley》收錄在《只有林子祥》大碟 (WEA)
林子祥 - 好氣連祥 18'24" (1997)
正值香港回歸,阿Lam出了這首mega medley,18分24秒,唱勻50年代至回歸前的香港經典歌,以白光的《等著你回來》貫穿,那個「你」,當然是中國政權,這條橋在達明一派的《我等著你回來》大碟 (1987) 也玩過,那時是悲觀移民潮;相隔10年,阿lam再玩,事實擺在眼前了,只有樂觀一笑;又過了10年,2007回歸10年,本地樂壇已經冇咁好氣。
林子祥 - 街頭霸王榜 12'46" (1992)
阿Lam可以做優皮,亦可以是街霸,92年卡拉OK全面治港,學者話,後八九六四,港人躲在K房逃避現實,用一枝咪高峰實行自治,林子祥睇啱《皇后大道中》唱中港人心聲,這首大串燒用來做膽,拖的腳都是熱門K song,12分46秒,唱盡飛圖碟聖真開心飲歌。
林子祥 - 10分12吋 9'47" (1985)
分析員說,1985-1994年是香港樂壇黃金十年,80年代中,阿Lam活力十足,10分鐘唱晒八字頭上半葉白金巨星偶像金曲,那時是黑膠年代,12吋是黑膠碟size,《10分12吋》就是收錄在一張12吋大single,一首歌也賣過白金,這些good old days一去不返了。《10分12吋》入選勁歌金曲十大,阿Lam領獎時唱live唱足10分鐘,還在紅館跑上跑落;這首歌影響力強,後來周潤發有《12分十分吋》,朱咪咪有《十二分多一寸》。
I lost interest in Lam since 1990. He led me to listen Peter, Paul and Mary (the harmonies in his songs were inspired by PPM, he sang a lot PPM in his band years). However, he's got some very uniqueness in his music:
1. He covered foreign songs some times even better than the original.
2. In a few of his songs, he even translated the meaning of the lyrics of the songs he covered.
3. He didn't lower his singing key of the song when in live concert.
4. He sang relatively more (percentage wise) non-romantic songs than others at his era.
5. He doesn't cover much Japanese songs, unlike the rest in the 80s.
I liked his albums best from "愛到發燒" up to "創作+流行歌集".
Sorry but I think to say Eason is the younger version of Lam is a bit overrated. I lost my interest in Eason after I heard from his collection, repeating 3連音 one after one. I can only agree that both of them don't really care the public eyes, though Eason has some good lyrics, I must admit. Lam probably can't write songs as good as Eason, Lam has no orthodox musical training.
To kenship,
我細個時,家姐鍾意阿Lam,所以我聽不少他在EMI時代的早期作品,Parathon Medley大部份選曲都是;他在華納時期的作品新穎、有品味、動聽,但在EMI亦很癲喪,題材多樣化,非常難得。
To chi,
thanks for bringing this up!
,《10分12吋》就是收錄在一張12吋大single,一首歌也賣過白金,這些good old days一去不返了。
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