作曲 : 黃霑 作詞 : 黃霑
想不到寫《今晚夜》惹起大家對《明明是》的懷念,其實我對王愛明作為歌手回憶不深,最記得首次認識她是《跳飛機》,極受小孩歡迎的辛尼哥哥退出,換上兩位女主持,一個是明明姐姐 (王愛明),一個是造時姐姐 (黃造時),她們間中抱著結他唱兒歌,但到底不及辛尼哥哥親切動聽。
到了70年代,王愛明和沈殿霞、汪明荃、張德蘭 (張圓圓) 組成四朵金花,經常在EYT表演,穿上一式一樣的輕紗長裙,砌成花朵形狀,把幸福和歡樂,送給每一戶人家。
四朵金花 - 雪人完成了 / L.O.V.E. Love (1975)
四朵金花 - I Don't Know How To Love Him (1975)

王愛明係"天龍八部"飾演天山童姥. 可能貪佢細細粒. N年後無線搵陳安瑩再演天山童姥....
《可憐天下父母心》前, 王愛明拍邵氏《後門》, 好似已經得過童星獎. 據聞佢父親都係做導演.
Thanks Chi for writing a topic on 王愛明。
I seem to recall there was talk of the reason why the very single 王愛明 was chosen to join 《婦女新姿》was because the two hostesses at the time, 陳齊頌 and 森森, were both divorcée. It didn't look good for a program that marketed at the homemakers demographics
While we are talking about hearsay, rumour had it that 辛尼哥哥 was actually involuntarily removed from 《跳飛機》 due to copyright issue. Supposedly he had unauthorizedly used the songs from 《跳飛機》 for his own promotional purpose.
Thank you so much for mentioning this very underrated song. On my iTunes, this is the song I've listened to the most.
When this song came out in the early 80s, I probably heard it no more than 10 times on the radio. Yet I always remembered the song because of the first line, "明明是一切都不記." James Wong is always lauded as a great lyricist, but I think he's also a first-class pop song composer, a facet of his career that many people overlook.
And Felicia Wong sang this song with an underlying sadness that fits the lyrics so well.
Dear Chi,
Thank you so much for your posting on 明明是. It was one of my favourite albums from the 80s. I had a cassette tape when it first came out but lost it some time ago. The album actually has lots of good music besides the title song. Very good quality -- you can tell lots of care has put into the production. In fact, I think her record company was owned by somebody well known too, (阮兆輝?) - otherwise who would have thought to give 明明 a record deal! The album is almost like a makeover for her. Ultimately it did not work. But I am still REALLY glad that they did give it a try and that the album was made.
* 幾年後先流行順流逆流/幾許風雨等為歌手度身訂做歌曲
剛剛發現這個blog , 又剛剛正在聽明明是大碟,這唱片是我的至愛,歌曲好像是明明的寫照,一張好感人的唱片,好像訴說著她的星途一樣,我特別喜歡
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